Ramona Flightner
Ramona Flightner
Ramona Flightner
Ramona Flightner

Blogger Award for Unusual Excellence

Lynn (http://lynnschneiderbooks.com/2012/10/29/blogger-award-for-unusual-excellence/)   from Goodreads nominated me for the Blogger Award for Unusual Excellence. Thanks, Lynn! It was unexpected and greatly appreciated. This is what she had to say about my blog:   Musings By Ramona – I also found this blog on Goodreads and since I am a bit of a photography wanna-be, and her blog has some really great photos, I chose it.

To accept her nomination, I need to answer a series of questions from her.

  1. Who is your favorite author/book?  I have a lot of trouble picking a “favorite.” However, one of the authors that I recommend all the time is Diana Gabaldon and her Outlander series. Love it.
  2. What is your favorite drinking game?  I don’t really do any drinking games, but I just played darts while enjoying a drink the other night and it was fun.
  3. What brand and shade of nail polish are you wearing right now? I don’t wear nail polish!
  4. Boxers or briefs? Either.
  5. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would that be? I don’t have a good answer to this question. Everything I have done so far has led to this point in my life. However, a good answer would be taking a break from swimming when my shoulder began to hurt when I was 18 so as to let it heal before I really injured it so that now I wouldn’t have shoulder problems. That would be a good thing.
  6. What “completes” you? Time with family or those I care about.
  7. Which TV personality/celebrity would you be willing to do twenty years of hard labor just for the pleasure of killing? I’m not into killing anyone (much more into the peace, love, get along with your neighbor bit), but I’d love to have anything to do with the Kardashian’s removed from the collective consciousness. I don’t understand how they are interesting.
  8. If you could trade places with one person for one month, who would it be?  I would love to be Rick Steve’s for a month. Travel around Europe, meet interesting people, learn tons of history, see museums without tourists, and eat yummy food- doesn't that sound fantastic?
  9. What is the one movie which you liked the most, but could never watch again? I really loved the Spanish language film, called “Butterfly” in the U.S., “La Lengua de las Mariposas” in Spain. A beautiful movie with a heart wrenching ending that I could only ever watch once.
  10. What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?  I may seem outgoing, but I am really very shy.

As for the blogs that I am nominating, they are:

  1. http://pstrack.blogspot.com/  I really enjoy her blogs, they are thought provoking and insightful. I have also enjoyed learning more about her self-publishing journey.
  2. http://westerner54.wordpress.com/ A fun blog by an outdoors lover in Montana. I love reading about her hikes and adventures in Montana and other western states. Also, her photos are awesome.
  3. http://myelectronicjukebox.wordpress.com/ This blog is about music and I learn about (and I am reminded of) songs that I had forgotten.
  4. http://thiswriterslife-mjkane.blogspot.com/ A fun, interesting blog by a writer I met on Good Reads with an inspiring publication story.

Here are my questions:

  1. What is one thing you haven’t done yet, but you would like to do?
  2. If you could have any super power ability, what would it be?
  3. What is your favorite TV show and why?
  4. What is the song that isn’t on your I-pod, but when it comes on the radio, you turn it up and know all the words?
  5. What is the one book you recommend most to your friends?
  6. Are you doing what you love?
  7. What to do you do when you need to find peace or serenity?
  8. If you could trade places with one person for one month, who would it be?
Categories: Blog

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